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How It Works

At first, energy deregulation seemed like a failure due to its catastrophic trial run in California in 2000. Instead of lowering prices through competition, the unregulated power suppliers raised prices, making a profit for themselves while pushing the utilities toward bankruptcy and causing blackouts throughout the state. Pennsylvania, however, took the opportunity to learn from California’s mistake. When Pennsylvania transitioned to a retail energy market, the results can only be described as a success: lower electricity prices, increased savings, and an array of new products from companies trying to sell the best deals to their customers. Since then, many other states have deregulated their energy markets successfully. It’s become clear that the question we should be asking is not whether deregulation works, but how. Any new way of doing things has its advantages and disadvantages, and as we go forward, states are learning how to create policies that will emphasize the pros and eliminate the cons.

“Being a broker is our function. 
Being a valued partner is our business.”

Melissa Forestier, CFO